
Sew-A-thon at Perth Telethon

Sunday, 23 October 2022


I am excited to say that we will be a part of Telethon this year and yes we will be sewing!

With such a beautiful community of sewists I would love for you to join me in sewing for the lovely Joe from MONSTER SMILES.
Joe, just 14 years old started his own business after having spent time in hospital will an aggressive type of Crohn’s Disease.  Joe wanted to find something to make all the kids in hospital smile, he came up with a business idea, designed his own fabric and has it manufactured into pillowcases for him to sell.  Pillowcases have been sold and donated not just at Perth’s Children Hospital, but right throughout Australia!

What are we sewing and where are we sewing?

With their “seconds” pillowcases we will make tote bags & scrunchies.  Joe and his dad Ken will be selling these at the Telethon Festival Fun Day and donate all profits to Telethon.

To make this happen we need volunteers and lots of them!  If you can spare a few hours on the Telethon weekend, Sunday, 23 October at RAC Arena.

Who can volunteer?

Anyone who can sew straight lines!

Only Miss Mary Kids can sign up.  If they have done Fabric Baskets, they will be able to sew with us.

To book your time, please click on the link to access the volunteer spreadsheet and fill in your details.

You will receive an email from RAC Arena, asking you some questions regarding health and safety.

What do I need to bring?

Nothing!  Just yourself.  All sewing machines, overlockers, scissors, pins etc will be there for you.